How did Thomas Edison solve his problems?
He did more than 6,000 experiments to invent carbon light‐ bulb filament
He did 10,296 experiments to invent nickel/iron battery
“genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”
TRIZ is... • an approach to directing the development of new products and processes
• systematic and predictable methodology for data‐based creativity and innovation
• way of pointing out multiple potential solution paths and concepts for solutions
TRIZ in a nutshell1. Structured Process
Use algorithms to enhance creativity through the scientific application of methods and principles.
Used in solving complex technical problems and assist in generating more higher quality solutions in less time
2. Best Practices
Represents the distillation of the best practices of successful inventors and problem solvers from across many fields of human invention.
Relies on proven knowledge that has been applied time and again throughout mankind’s history.
3. Reliable & Repeatable
Provide the innovator with reliable and repeatable results‐results that do not depend on personal creative ability or psychological techniques such as brainstorming.
Promote reuse of innovation principles and strategies.
1946 ‐ present: Originated in the work of Genrikh Altshuller in Russia
- derived from analysis of more than 200,000 world wide patents
- problem solvers combine their knowledge with the knowledge of thousands of "silent" inventors - synthesized down to just 40,000 innovative patent.
Key discoveries:
1. problems and solutions were repeated across industries & sciences
2. patterns of technical evolution were repeated across industries & sciences
3. innovations used scientific effects outside the field where they were developed
After 50 years of research analyzing patents now estimated to be over 2.8 million worldwide patents, these principles and trends have been found effective and consistent for application in multiple disciplines.
Invention problem solving process (TRIZ process)
Functional Analysis of product or process
Help to define the real problem to be worked on vs. symptoms
Analysis useful or harmful operational zones to understand the conflicting requirements
Cause effect chain helps to see other potential causes of problems
Scientific effects database - better understanding of other potential causes.
Scientific effects database identify effects thats can solve problems
40 principles - identify potential solutions
TRIZ is not better or superior campared to the structured problem solving methodology
TRIZ complements the structured problem solving methodology, if used together it will bring innovative results
Are you curious about the concept to achieve the ideal stage?
Are you keen to know the TRIZ process?
Are you ready to learn the secret of 40 inventive principles?