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Keeping the momentum of growth


2010 was a great year for TRIZ in Malaysia. 183 practitioners signed up as MyTRIZ members. For a new start-up association, the speed of growth has certainly been noticed by the Registrar of Society.


So what is up for 2011? Another exciting year and we are aiming to grow even faster …

On 15 March 2011, we organized the MyTRIZ Annual General Meeting. 30 members were in attendance to elect the 2011-2012 MyTRIZ Committee. The AGM went smoothly and positively. The steering of the MyTRIZ direction for the next two years is in the hands of the following members:


With the momentum built up through the training of 206 TRIZ Level 1 and 25 Level 2 practitioners last year, we are gearing up 20 institutions of higher learning to proliferate the knowledge of TRIZ. 

The passion is to train enough TRIZ practitioners so that we can cross the chasm point and make TRIZ a well known problem solving and innovative methodology adopted and applied in Malaysia. In the first 4 months of the year, we conducted 4 MyTRIZ@U classes at KDU, UTeM, TAR College and USM. We have trained 150 TRIZ Level 1 practitioners so far.

It is with great pleasure to highlight that KDU Petaling Jaya is the first school to have 100% of their faculty members trained on the subject.


Over a Saturday and Sunday, the UTeM faculty members sacrificed their weekend with families to attend the TRIZ Level 1 on 5-6 March 2011.


An early skepticism on the knowledge turned to great support by TAR College faculty members. The two days TRIZ Level 1 was organized on 17-18 March 2011.


The largest class in the first four months of the year was organized at USM Engineering Campus Nibong Tebal. The momentum is picking up at the northern section of the country with the class on 11-12 April 2011.


TJ Yeoh from Intel broke ground on the MyTRIZ@School program by taking TRIZ and reaching out to school kids on 14-17 March 2011. Through the Intel Get SETT program, he shared the Trimming and 40 Inventive Principles with 60 students from around Penang and Kulim schools. The Intel Get SETT program which stands for “Get Scientists, Engineers and Technologists of Tomorrow” exposed the school kids to fun activities revolving around Systematic Innovation-TRIZ, Lego Robotics and Building a personal computer. The school kids had a blast learning and applying the problem solving, creative and innovative techniques. 


We are proud to share that two of our members presented their works at the 2nd Global TRIZ Conference 2011 held in Seoul, Korea recently. The conference theme of “Problem Solving for Smart Innovation” attracted more than 40 TRIZ experts and 300 participants. The conference lined up an impressive keynotes speakers such as Professor Wook Sun from Seoul National University, a former CEO of Samsung Electronics), JoonYang Jun, the CEO of POSCO, Yong-Geun Kim, the President of KIAT and Mr. Oleg Feygenson, Russian TRIZ master and Prof. Dennis Cavalluci from INSA Strasburg France. 

A total of 21 local and 9 international case studies were shared. From Malaysia, we had 2 case studies shared by Mr. Nagappan Annamalai on "Case Study of Intel Double Stack Prevention through TRIZ methodology" and Mr. Darin Moreira on "Using TRIZ to improve quality and achieve a leaner conversion process". 


We hope to encourage more of our members to participate in the international and regional events. For your information, the following events are happening around the TRIZ worlds.


We are planning to organize the MyTRIZ Workshop 2011 at the end of year. The date will be around the week of 14-16 November 2011. Dr Sergei Ikovenko has agreed to return and share his expertise. Block your calendar and don’t miss the workshop.

Until we meet again. Keep learning and sharing the knowledge!

Dr TS Yeoh, MyTRIZ President


Should you require further information, click here to make your enquiry about the event!

About Us

The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) is a non-profit organization that exists for the benefit of those who know the TRIZ methodology, want to learn TRIZ, and wish to apply TRIZ for the benefit of all mankind in the country.

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