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Mission not impossible ... MyTRIZ@U

MyTRIZ Update … Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Merdeka Day!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim members, Selamat Hari Raya and to all Malaysians, Happy Merdeka Day!    I would like to bring to your attention several key events around TRIZ.

Sign up to MyTRIZ Workshop 2011

The MyTRIZ Workshop 2011 registration is open now.   Please sign on to register for the Workshop.  This year’s workshop theme is “Inventing the future with systematic innovation”. The dates are 14-16th November 2011 from 9-5p.m..  The venue is Dewan Seri Sarjana, Uniten.

The workshop fee is RM500 for members and RM150 for student members.  Dr Sergei Ikovenko is back in Malaysia to share his insight and expertise. Do pay up your membership fee of RM100 for lifetime member to be entitled to the Workshop membership price.

Mission not impossible … MyTRIZ@U

At the beginning of this year, the committee embarked on an effort to build a sizeable pool of TRIZ practitioners in Malaysia.  The fear of falling into a chasm was great thus drove the passion to achieve a much larger community.  The mission seems impossible at the start has somehow turned possible.

From May to August, MyTRIZ@U program conducted 7 TRIZ Level 1 classes and 1 TRIZ Level 2 class throughout the country. A total of 261 lecturers from 13 universities were trained in Level 1 and 35 lecturers from 10 universities were trained in Level 2.

We would like to thank Taylor’s University, University Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar, Multimedia University Cyberjaya, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Tunku Abdul Rahman College Penang, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Sains Malaysia for the support and sponsorship.  

The Association would like to thank the instructors namely Dr. TS Yeoh, TJ Yeoh, Song Chia Li, Nagappan Annamalai, Fred Chan Swee Choon, Paul Devaraj Anthony Raj and Darin Moreira Anthony Vincent for their time and knowledge sharing.  

All of the initiatives will not take place without the strong and continuous support from Ministry of Higher Education, Multimedia Development Corporation and Intel.





Gaining momentum … sharing successes and learning

The second MyTRIZ@School programs were organized in collaboration with Intel’s GetSETT (Scientists, Engineers and Technologists of Tomorrow) program.  120 students from SMK Sungai Karangan, SMK Mahang, SMK Raja Tun Uda, SMJK Phor Tay and SMJK Jit Sin were trained on the skills-based program.  The programs were made possible through support of the Penang and Kedah State Education Departments.

As part of the Science, Technology and Innovation Training Workshop from 13-17 June 2011 focusing on embracing structured innovation for socio-economic transformation, 37 participants from 21 South-South countries reviewed Malaysia’s experience on TRIZ. 

The review session provided the insights and best practices for the participant home countries to manage and implement similar initiative.  The training was organized by International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre(ISTIC) with support from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).

Previous work on proliferating TRIZ in Malaysia has been in the realm of education.   With the awareness and interest picking up, the sharing of the methodology has started to pick up in the industry. 

Through a collaborative initiative between Monash University and a local company named Device4U, Issac Lim, a post graduate student with Monash University introduced TRIZ successfully to the R&D team. The methodology was found to be useful in the development of conceptual eco-efficient solutions for the products that are in the pipeline at Device4U.  This is the first Malaysian company to have officially embraced TRIZ as a tool to develop their products. It should be noted that everyone in the Device4U R&D team are registered as MyTRIZ members.

With the encouragement, Issac Lim aimed to create a database of case studies of Malaysian products directly influenced by the TRIZ methodology.   This is the beginning of MyTRIZ@Industry journey and we look forward to greater innovation ahead!

That’s all that have been happening around TRIZ in Malaysia for the last 4 months.  I strongly encourage all of you to attend the MyTRIZ Workshop 2011.  See you all at the workshop.

Dr TS Yeoh, MyTRIZ President

About Us

The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) is a non-profit organization that exists for the benefit of those who know the TRIZ methodology, want to learn TRIZ, and wish to apply TRIZ for the benefit of all mankind in the country.

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