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MyTRIZ Update ... MyTRIZ Conference, Workshop and Competition 2012 was a huge HIT!

We have come to a close of another great year for MyTRIZ.  Overall, the TRIZ community has reached a sizeable number and learning fast.  We hope that the momentum will continue and our community can make a difference to people’s lives with the knowledge and expertise gained.

Last November, we had a highly successful MyTRIZ Conference and Workshop 2012.  7 international and 7 local speakers shared their learning and knowledge on the subject matter.  More than 260 TRIZ practitioners from Malaysia and the South East Asia regions gathered at Universiti Sains Malaysia and Rasa Sayang Hotel, Penang from 6-9th Nov 2012 for 4 days of great learning.  More information on the event coverage is enclosed in the MyTRIZ Conference 2012 report.  Sign on to Youtube for the MATRIZ certificate presentation video.
Team Knight from Tunku Abdul Rahman College emerged as the champion of the inaugural MyTRIZ Competition 2012.  27 teams from 18 universities submitted their proposals and 8 teams had the opportunity to present their proposals to a panel of international TRIZ gurus during the competition finals at Universiti Sains Malaysia on 6th Nov 2012.  The competition was stiff and detailed competition results are presented in the MyTRIZ Competition 2012 report.
On the training of faculty members through the MyTRIZ@U program, we are proud to announce that 25 TRIZ Level 1 Instructors were recently certified.  The total number stands at 45 certified instructors in the country.   The TRIZ Level 2 community has also grown to a total of 116 practitioners.  Last but not least, the TRIZ Level 1 practitioners have reached a population of 1,843 practitioners as of year ending December 2012.
On the industrial front, we have collaborated with Pemandu on the MyTRIZ@Industry program. Through the MyProCert project, 255 industrial practitioners were trained from September to December 2012. Interest level at industry has picked up and Pemandu has directed for another 400 industry practitioners to be trained in 2013.
We look forward to another exciting year and will be lining up more events for the TRIZ community in Malaysia and South East Asia regions.  Please block your calendar for the next MyTRIZ Annual General Meeting on 15th March 2013 from 10 a.m. - 12noon.  
Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2013!
Dr. TS Yeoh, MyTRIZ President
About Us

The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) is a non-profit organization that exists for the benefit of those who know the TRIZ methodology, want to learn TRIZ, and wish to apply TRIZ for the benefit of all mankind in the country.

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