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MyTRIZ Competition 2012 Report

The Competition

The Malaysia TRIZ (MyTRIZ) Competition 2012 is a competition organized to allow TRIZ practitioners in Malaysia to showcase and compete based on the successful application of TRIZ methodology. It is aimed at demonstrating that the TRIZ methodology can be used to solve complex issues, to improve processes and to invent new products or services. The competition target participants are university students and lecturers.

Competition Background

Through the partnership of Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Multimedia Development Corporation, Malaysia Institutions of Higher Learning, Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association and Intel Malaysia, the TRIZ methodology was successfully embedded as a subject in the universities since 2010.

The Industry Academia Collaboration initiative has effectively produced more than 1,500 TRIZ practitioners consisting mainly of university lecturers and post graduates, trained by Intel engineers on the subject matter. 

With the momentum built up on the subject and the rapid teaching of the subject in universities, the MyTRIZ Competition 2012 funded by Intel Foundation, Intel Corporation and Multimedia Development Corporation was introduced.  

The objective of the competition was to encourage the application of TRIZ methodology, cultivate the spirit of innovation and generate awareness of TRIZ around the region.

Competition Plan

The MyTRIZ Competition 2012 project team was formed in early 2012. The team consisted of resources from Intel and Multimedia Development Corporation.  The team members were Dr. TS Yeoh, Tan Eng Hoo, Dr. Siek Kah Hee, Ashley Cheah, TJ Yeoh, Song Chia Li, Nagappan Annamalai, Fred Chan, Karnail Singh, Paul Devaraj and Darin Moreira.

The competition theme was launched with the theme of “THINK INNOVATION THINK TRIZ”. The competition was opened to all Malaysians and international students, researchers and lecturers who were enrolled in the Malaysian institutions of higher learning. Each team could comprise of two to five members from the same or combined institutions.

The entrance to the competition was free and a total sum of RM 21,000 prize money and RM 60,000 complimentary MyTRIZ Conference & Workshop tickets were set as prizes to attract the participants.

Competition Rules

The competition rules were developed and finalized in April 2012. The competition was formatted into three parts. Part 1 questions were based on issues faced by the country and the participants were expected to use TRIZ methodology to solve the social challenges.  Part 2 question was stated based on issues faced by industry.  Lastly, in Part 3, an open question was set where the participants will identify an issue of choice and to solve it using the TRIZ methodology.

Competition Assignment

Competition Timeline

A standard progressive competition model was adopted and followed the three phase approach. In Phase 1 from 15th May to 30th Jun 2012, the interested teams registered to indicate interest to participate. In Phase 2 from 1st Jul to 30th Sep 2012, the teams were to submit their proposals  by 31st Aug 2012 and a panel of local judges evaluated the proposals from 1st to 20th Sep 2012. Eight finalists were selected and announced on 30th Sep 2012.  In Phase 3 from 1st Oct to 8th Nov 2012, the finalists resubmitted their proposals after further coaching provided by a panel of local TRIZ experts. 

The eight finalists presented their proposals to a panel of international judges on 6th Nov 2012 and top three teams were announced by the chief judge on 8th Nov 2012 during the MyTRIZ Conference 2012.

Competition Results

The competition attracted 34 teams from 18 universities in its preliminary registration to participate on 30th Jun 2012.  27 teams from 15 universities submitted their proposals on 31st Aug 2012. 8 local TRIZ experts from Intel namely Dr. TS Yeoh, TJ Yeoh, Song Chia Li, Karnail Singh, Paul Devaraj, Nagappan Annamalai, Darin Moreira and Fred Chan, evaluated the proposals and narrowed it down to eight finalists. The results were announced on 30th Sep 2012.

Competition Finalists

International Judges

5 international TRIZ experts from US, Russia, India, Korea and Japan were invited to form the panel of judges for the MyTRIZ Competition 2012. The judges were Dr. Mark Barkan (President, Education for a New Era), Mr. Anatoly Guin (Chief Scientist, Education for a New Era), Dr. MiJeong Song (Director, Samsung R&D), Dr. T. Asokan (Chief Scientist, General Electric) and Dr. Toru Nakagawa (Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University).

Crowd Judging

The MyTRIZ Conference 2012 participants had the opportunity to evaluate the top three WINNERS. The top three teams comprising of Team Knight (TARC), Team Le-Solveur (UKM) and Team PUTRA-MIAT (UPM/UniKL) presented their proposals to more than 200 conference participants. The conference participants were given a chocolate each in which they selected the winner of MyTRIZ Competition by dropping it into corresponding tall glass jars. Interestingly, the winners selected by the participants and international judges matched in exactly.

Competition Winner

Intel Malaysia Site Manager, Mr. Robin Martin presented the prizes to the winners.

Grand Winner - Team Knight (Tunku Abdul Rahman College)

1st Runner-Up - Team MIAT (Universiti Putra Malaysia - Universiti Kuala Lumpur)

2nd Runner-Up - Team Le Solveur (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

Competition Feedback

“Thank you to every persons who organized and participated in this wonderful conference, competition and workshop. I'll never forget everything I've met and enjoyed this period.” - Dr. MiJeong Song, Korea

“I am very much impressed with your active and strategic proliferation of TRIZ in your country, in industries, academia, and ministries, together.   The Competition seems to be very fruitful for your country as the results of your thoughtful preparation.”    - Dr. Toru Nakagawa, Japan

“The conference and the competition were very good! I appreciate an opportunity to participate in this great event. And, of course, it was great to see you all again!” - Dr. Mark Barkan, USA

“I join Mark  in thanking you for having invited us. All was perfect as usual. I also got very good feedback from Dr. Asokan and MJ Song. I want to extend my gratitude to the whole team in Malaysia.” - Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, USA

“Thank you so much for the opportunity. The competition and conference in Penang will always be my in my heart and my inspiration!" - Khairul Manami,  University Putra Malaysia

“Congratulations to you all & thank you for organizing this memorable competition.” - Zawiah Abdul Majid, UniKL


The organizing committee would like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the funding support from Intel Foundation, Intel Corporation and Multimedia Development Corporation.

The organizing committee would like to thank the local and international judges for their views and opinions and spending the time and effort to evaluate the proposals.

The organizing committee would like to acknowledge and congratulate the participating teams and respective universities for the time, effort and support for the inaugural competition.

Thanks go to the special folks who made the event happen!  Thank you to Dr. TS Yeoh, Tan Eng Hoo, Ashley Cheah, Matthew Rau, SK Khoo and Dr. Siek Kah Hee.

About Us

The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) is a non-profit organization that exists for the benefit of those who know the TRIZ methodology, want to learn TRIZ, and wish to apply TRIZ for the benefit of all mankind in the country.

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