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MyTRIZ Conference and Workshop 2012 Report

The Conference and Workshop

The MyTRIZ Conference and Workshop 2012 was an event organized by the Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ). The event was co-organized by Multimedia Development Corporation and Intel Malaysia in partnership with Ministry of Science Technology & Innovation, Ministry of Higher Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Advanced  Classroom Equipment (ACE), Institution of Mechanical Engineers Malaysia and International TRIZ Association. MyTRIZ Conference & Workshop 2012 strived to ignite the interest, share the best practices and encourage the usage of TRIZ methodology in Malaysia and the regions.

Event Background

This year’s MyTRIZ Conference and Workshop were held at Universiti Sains Malaysia and Rasa Sayang Hotel, Penang. The event was organized from 6-9thNovember 2012 in conjunction with the inaugural MyTRIZCompetition 2012 Finals. Most significantly, MyTRIZ received very strong support from the international TRIZ communities. Six TRIZ gurus namely Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, Dr. Mark Barkan, Dr. T. Asokan, Dr. MiJeong Song, Dr. Toru Nakagawa and Mr. Anatoly Guin were present to share their insights and outlook on the progress of the methodology.

More than 260 participants from 92 organizations were fully engaged over the 4 day event. Most importantly, the event provided a great opportunity for the TRIZ communities in and around South East Asia to gather and exchange their knowledge and experience.

Workshop A - 6th November 2012

A one-day workshop focused on specific TRIZ application, using TRIZ for competitive patent circumnavigation, was organized for the MyTRIZ community. The workshop was held at Dewan Utama Pelajar, Universiti Sains Malaysia.  Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, Director and Chief Specialist Innovation, Leadership Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology facilitated the workshop.

Dr. Ikovenko shared the usage of different TRIZ tools to realize a well-crafted patent portfolio as well as providing a barrier against competitors’ entry. Many interesting case studies from leading corporations were analyzed and the participants had the opportunity to work on a hands-on exercise on circumnavigation of a competitive patent.

Dr. Sergei Ikovenko shared insights into using TRIZ for Patent Strategies. He captivated the participants with his presentation on competitive patent circumvention strategy by using the Trimming Technique, History Estoppel Research, Antidote Strategy and Picket Fence Strategy. He gave the participants without prior TRIZ knowledge on a quick introduction to the subject matter.  He demonstrated the advantages of the technique and how it has influenced the shift of the innovation paradigm. 

The workshop participants were put through a hands-on exercise to apply the techniques to circumvent a patent related to an inhalation device. The participants were able to apply their new concepts and skills immediately.

Conference - 7th November 2012

The second day of the event took place at Rasa SayangHotel, Penang. It was indeed a grand gathering of TRIZ practitioners around the region. Dr TS Yeoh, the MyTRIZ President welcomed  the participants to the second MyTRIZ Conference. En Imran Kunalan, General Manager Multimedia Development Corporation delivered the opening remark. He captured the audience attention with his sharing on the importance of connecting ideas and people to inspire innovation.

After the welcome and opening speeches, Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, the International TRIZ President was invited to hand-over the International TRIZ membership certificate to MyTRIZ. Dr TS Yeoh was to receive the certificate witnessed by En. Imran Kunalan.

However, a very unfortunate incident happened during the certificate hand-over ceremony - the official certificate was misplaced!  The event team reacted to the incident by breaking into a short performance.  The master of ceremonies belted out a song on stage followed by a dance by the beautiful usherette.    Some of the younger conference participants also jumped in and joined the FLASH MOB.

The certificate was recovered in time and saved the event team from embarrassment.  The certificate was officially handed over by Dr. Sergei  to Dr Yeoh witnessed by En. Imran to the applause of the conference participants.

Certificate hand-over ceremony can be enjoyed through Youtube

After the certificate ceremony, the conference proceeded with Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, President MATRIZ sharing  on the Future Direction of TRIZ. Dr. TS Yeoh, MyTRIZ President then spoke about MyTRIZand its strategies.

With an industrial focus in mind, 3 local speakers namely Mr. TJ Yeoh from Intel talked about TRIZ and Model Based Problem Solving while Mr. Nagappan Annamalai discussed on the hot topic of Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and TRIZ from an Intel experience.  Mr. TC Long stepped up to present the Infineon’s journey of jumping onto the TRIZ bandwagon.

After lunch, the participants had the opportunity to learn from 3 international speakers. Dr. T. Asokan, General Electric provided insights on the topic Innovation: Face vsPace, while Dr MiJeongSong took the audience to the TRIZ R&D world at Samsung. Dr Wang Wen Hann, from Intel then gave a different look into innovation and collaboration.

The conference day ended with an very interesting panel discussion on the subject “Should every company and country pursue TRIZ?” 

Conference - 8th November 2012

On day 3, the MyTRIZConference continued with a focus on TRIZ teaching in the education world.  Dr. Mark Barkan, President of Education for a New Era (ENE) dared the participants to think about the new requirements of education.  Mr. Anatoly Guin, Chief Scientist of ENE provided insights into teaching problem solving and creativity teaching at Russian schools. 

After US and Russian perspectives on learning TRIZ, the participants had the opportunity to access the progress made in local institution of higher learning. Mr. Keong Chee Sheng, Chemistry Lecturer and Dr Yip MunWai, Department Head talked about their experience and the wonders of TRIZ from a Tunku Abdul Rahman College perspective.  Mr. Issac Lim, Post Graduate shared his research into eco-efficient product development using TRIZ. 

The last presenter was Dr. Toru Nakagawa, Professor Emeritus Osaka Gakuin University who gave an in-depth view of the work in Japan on creative problem solving methodology.

Workshop B - 9th November 2012

The second workshop organized focused on the development of Creative and Thinking Skills in School Students. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Mark Barkan, President and Mr. Anatoly Guin, Chief Scientist of Education for a New Era.

Besides the TRIZ community, 40 school teachers from the Northern Region schools and 6 selected Ministry of Education representatives were invited to join in the learning of the techniques. Lots of interest was shown by the workshop participants in teaching creativity and thinking skills at every level of the educational process.  Many ideas were exchanged for continued development of the Educational System.

Dr Mark Barkan and Mr. Anatoly Guin covered the topic on teaching children to solve open problems which leads to development of their creativity and thinking skills. An introduction to the theory of open problems and the standard teaching methodology were presented with many examples shown. A comparison between normal school problems and open problems approach was discussed at length.

Three teams were formed to work on the Creativity Bowls exercises.  The teams had the opportunity to present their learning to the participants guided through the process by the facilitators. The workshop proceeded with snapshot of various attempts around the world to teach creativity.  Enhancements to the educational system need to resolve multiple contradictions. Education in a New Era believes that the function of the education in itself is transforming.

Event Feedback

“Thank you to every persons who organized and participated in this wonderful conference, competition and workshop. I'll never forget everything I've met and enjoyed this period.” - Dr. MiJeongSong, Korea

“I saw the miracle team who try to build the innovation society for humanity. I saw the young generation guys who have passion of invention, they wouldn’t be the important people for your country, I think in the future some young guys will change the world. I come back to my home with huge dream.  A lot of thing I have to do for the Innovation with TRIZ in my country.” - Tanasak Phenghua, Thailand

“It was truly worth the time attending MyTRIZevent in Penang. We look forward to the next event or opportunities to be trained as TRIZ instructor … as a small step to develop TRIZ in Indonesia.” - Syarif Hidayat, Indonesia

“I am very much impressed with your active and strategic proliferation of TRIZ in your country, in industries, academia, and ministries, together.   The Competition seems to be very fruitful for your country as the results of your thoughtful preparation.”  - Dr. Toru Nakagawa, Japan

“The conference and the competition were very good! I appreciate an opportunity to participate in this great event. And, of course, it was great to see you all again!” - Dr. Mark Barkan, USA

“I join Mark  in thanking you for having invited us. All was perfect as usual. I also got very good feedback from Dr. Asokan and MJ Song. I want to extend my gratitude to the whole team in Malaysia.” - Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, USA


A heartfelt thank you to the support from Multimedia Development Corporation, Intel Foundation, Intel Corporation, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Institute of Mechanical Engineers Malaysia, International TRIZ Association, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Science Technology & Innovation.

The organizing committee would like to thank the local and international speakers for their sharing and the moderators for facilitating the panel discussions.

Special thank to ACE – Advance Classroom Equipment for sponsoring the advance smart TV equipment to enable an interactive learning experience.

The organizing committee would like to acknowledge and thank all the participants for the time and support to attend the MyTRIZConference and Workshop 2012.

Thanks go to the leanest and most efficient organizing team who made the event happen!  Thank you to Dr. TS Yeoh, Ashley Cheah, Matthew Rau, SK Khoo, Dr. Wan Mohd Nazmee Wan Zainon and Tan Eng Hoo.

About Us

The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) is a non-profit organization that exists for the benefit of those who know the TRIZ methodology, want to learn TRIZ, and wish to apply TRIZ for the benefit of all mankind in the country.

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