PESTA TRIZ 2016 tickets on sale now!
PESTA TRIZ 2016 tickets on sale now! 3 events (Workshop, Conference and Competition Finals) over 4 days from 23 to 26 November 2016 at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.
- Day 1 & 2 - Workshop on 23-24 November 2016 features TRIZ and Hybridization Algorithm for the Innovative Economy by TRIZ Master, Valeriy Prushinskiy from Samsung, Korea. The Workshop is chargeable at RM 500 per pax.
- Day 3 - Conference on 25 November 2016 offers 3 key speakers, Tito Vemuri from TRIZ India, Tanasak Pheunghua from TRIZ Thailand and Valeriy Prushinskiy from Samsung, Korea and 40 conference papers. The Conference is chargeable at RM 250 per pax.
- Day 4 - Competition Finals on 26 November 2016 showcases top 8 finalists for this year's competition. The Competition Finals is FREE OF CHARGE.
To register, go to Event tab and follow the steps. Do write to if you have any questions.
PESTA TRIZ 2016 Information as follows:

To downlad the PESTA TRIZ 2016 brochure, please cllick here: /files/page/files/Pesta%20TRIZ%202016%20Information.pdf .
Happy Merdeka and Malaysia Day for those in Malaysia!