MyTRIZ dances in the rain
Who would have predicted that we will be quarantined for over a month? How long more do we need to stay home for COVID-19?
Hope the difficult steps taken have helped to slow the spread, flatten the curve and will soon be completed.
Sadly, the unprecedented crisis impacted many companies and changed all walks of life.
While the pandemic caused devastating economic and social health impacts, we need to come back stronger and reinvent to win more grounds.
Business Recovery Guide to handle crisis
Armed with more than 100 TRIZ professionals and 15,000 TRIZ practitioners locally and regionally, MyTRIZ would like to help manage the crisis, ensure business continuity and assist to regenerate growth.
The Business Recovery Guide provides initial steps required to tackle the situation and inspire the creation of inventive solutions to recover from the set-backs.
MyTRIZ offers short term online support to business challenges, and provides 6 months FREE consulting services from 1 April to 30 September 2020.
Do share the Guide with business owners and have them to contact MyTRIZ for support. Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SME) are prioritized for the consulting services.
MyTRIZ Conference 2020 calling for abstracts
There is a wise saying that every storm will run out of rain, and just like every dark night will turn into day, certainly we will wait out the crisis and better days will return.
However, seeing the market situations, we would rather not wait for the storm of our lives to pass, but to learn to dance in the rain. It is better to deal with less than perfect circumstances and prepare ahead.
MyTRIZ would like to announce the MyTRIZ Conference 2020 Call for Abstract. The MyTRIZ Conference 2020 will be held on 15 October 2020, in conjunction with International TRIZ Day.
The venue of the Conference will be at University of Wollongong (UOW) KDU Penang University College, Batu Kawan Campus.
The conference topics of interest are (1) applications of TRIZ in science, engineering, business and services, (2) integration, development and research of new TRIZ method and tools and (3) TRIZ in education, training and learning development.
The conference participation fee is RM 300 per person.
There is no limit to the number of papers submitted. Key dates are (1) abstract submission on 15 June 2020, (2) conference paper submission on 15 August 2020 and (3) conference presentation on 15 October 2020.
We look forward to your participation and sharing your best practices.
MyTRIZ Competition & Exhibition 2020 launch announcement
An EXHIBITION platform is added to the MyTRIZ COMPETITION 2020. It allows more teams to showcase their problem solving and innovation achievements.
We try to bring the best of value creation to the front. There is nothing like a good competition and exhibition to push the practitioners even further.
The event will be opened for registration on 30 June 2020. The initial proposal is expected on 31 July 2020 and final proposal on 30 September 2020.
The Finals will be held at UOW KDU Penang University College, Batu Kawan Campus on 16 October 2020.
Guess what, there is no entrance or participation fees. It is FREE!
With the believe that it is never too young to start an empire and never too old to start a new dream, the event offers a new YOUNG PROBLEM SOLVERS category besides the existing FOUNDATION and OPEN categories.
The new category is for school students aged 7 to 19.
The FOUNDATION category targets the TRIZ Level 1 and non TRIZ practitioners, and the OPEN category is set for advance TRIZ Level 2 or higher-level practitioners.
The reward system has shifted from cash prizes to gold, silver and bronze medals. Best of the best will be selected from the gold medalists and stand to win RM 3,000 each.
We look forward to evaluating your ideas and skills.
Any inquiries on the programs, do write to
Until the day after Movement Control Order, stay well!