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Competition Format

The Competition Format

The MyTRIZ Competition 2022 is based on solving an inventive problem using TRIZ methodlogy. It may be a product, process or people related problem. There will be 2 categories as follows:


This competition category opens only to TRIZ Level 1 or non-certified practitioners. The number of members is 2-3 per team. If any member has achieved TRIZ Level 2 certification or higher, then the team needs to be registered under Category 2: OPEN Category. This category is open to universities, companies and government agencies.

OPEN Category

If at least one team member is having TRIZ Level 2 certification or higher, then the team needs to be registered under this category. This category is open to universities, companies and government agencies.


Judging Criteria

The competition will be evaluated by a panel of TRIZ experts based on the following criteria and scoring allocation:

Criteria #1 - TRIZ process flow and application of TRIZ tools: Clear problem statement, clear process steps specifying which TRIZ tools to use at each steps. Explain TRIZ tools used along with correct application of these tools. Problem needs to be an inventive problem with high degree of difficulty. Scope can include solving industrial problem areas which require radical innovation (e.g. patent circumvention, solving chronic problems); instead of incremental innovations (e.g. parameter improvements or system reconfiguration). (1/3 total score)

Criteria #2 - Solutions: Originality & innovativeness of solution and how they derive from the TRIZ tools used. Perform internet searches to ensure that solution is original. Preferably simple & elegant solutions with commercial value, and achieving highest degree of ideality. Provide impact and ROI (return on investment) for industrial solutions. Provide prototype for new products. (1/3 total score

Criteria #3: Writeup and Exhibition quality: Quality of writeup and exhibit, easy to understand. Well-composed flow and content. (1/3 total score).


The Competition Prizes

Teams will be awarded GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE Medals. 

BEST of the BEST Award - One for each category with prize money of RM 3,000 per team.



About Us

The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) is a non-profit organization that exists for the benefit of those who know the TRIZ methodology, want to learn TRIZ, and wish to apply TRIZ for the benefit of all mankind in the country.

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